
Call for Contributions#

We always welcome new contributors. If you want to help us take a look at our contribution guidelines and afterwards you may start with an open issue marked as good first issue.

Writing code is not the only way to contribute to the project. You can also:

Getting started#

To help with developing start by installing the development dependencies:

pip install tox

Then this package itself

git clone
cd scikit-matter
pip install -e .

This install the package in development mode, making it importable globally and allowing you to edit the code and directly use the updated version.

Running the tests#

The testsuite is implemented using Python’s unittest framework and should be set-up and run in an isolated virtual environment with tox. All tests can be run with

tox                  # all tests

If you wish to test only specific functionalities, for example:

tox -e lint          # code style
tox -e tests         # unit tests
tox -e examples      # test the examples

You can also use tox -e format to use tox to do actual formatting instead of just testing it. Also, you may want to setup your editor to automatically apply the black code formatter when saving your files, there are plugins to do this with all major editors.

Contributing to the documentation#

The documentation is written in reStructuredText (rst) and uses sphinx documentation generator. In order to modify the documentation, first create a local version on your machine as described above. Then, build the documentation with

tox -e docs

You can then visualize the local documentation with your favorite browser using the following command (or open the docs/build/html/index.html file manually).

# on linux, depending on what package you have installed:
xdg-open docs/build/html/index.html
firefox docs/build/html/index.html

# on macOS:
open docs/build/html/index.html

Contributing new examples#

The examples and tutorials are written as plain Python files and will be converted and rendered for the documentation using Sphinx-Gallery <>.

All examples are located in the examples directory in the root of the repository. To contribute a new example create a new .py file in one of the subdirectories. For writing the example/tutorial you can use another file for inspiration. Details on how to structure a Python script for Sphinx-Gallery are given in the Sphinx-Gallery documentation <>.

We encourage yoy to at least add one plot to your example to provide a nice image for the gallery on the website.

Contributing Datasets#

Have an example dataset that would fit into scikit-matter?

Contributing a dataset is easy. First, copy your numpy file into src/skmatter/datasets/data/ with an informative name. Here, we’ll call it my-dataset.npz.

Next, create a documentation file in src/skmatter/datasets/data/my-dataset.rst. This file should look like this:

.. _my-dataset:

My Dataset

This is a summary of my dataset. My dataset was originally published in My Paper.

Function Call

.. function:: skmatter.datasets.load_my_dataset

Data Set Characteristics

:Number of Instances: ______

:Number of Features: ______

The representations were computed using the _____ package using the hyperparameters:

| key                    |   value    |
| hyperparameter 1       |    _____   |
| hyperparameter 2       |    _____   |

Of the ____ resulting features, ____ were selected via _____.


Reference Code

Then, show scikit-matter how to load your data by adding a loader function to skmatter/datasets/ It should look like this:

def load_my_dataset():
    """Load and returns my dataset.

    my_data : sklearn.utils.Bunch
        Dictionary-like object, with the following attributes:

        data : `sklearn.utils.Bunch` --
        contains the keys ``X`` and ``y``.
        My input vectors and properties, respectively.

        DESCR: `str` --
        The full description of the dataset.
    module_path = dirname(__file__)
    target_filename = join(module_path, "data", "my-dataset.npz")
    raw_data = np.load(target_filename)
    data = Bunch(
    with open(join(module_path, "descr", "my-dataset.rst")) as rst_file:
        fdescr =

    return Bunch(data=data, DESCR=fdescr)

Add this function to src/skmatter/datasets/

Finally, add a test to tests/ to see that your dataset loads properly. It should look something like this:

class MyDatasetTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.my_data = load_my_data()

    def test_load_my_data(self):
        # test if representations and properties have commensurate shape
  [0] ==[0]

    def test_load_my_data_descr(self):

You’re good to go! Time to submit a pull request.